12 months.
52 weeks.
365 days.
8,760 hours.
525,600 minutes.
31,536,000 seconds.
Full of tears,
And full laughter.
Full of friends,
And full of family,
Then there were disappointments,
And there were accomplishments,
There was sorrow and excitement,
And so many memories.
Every day was a journey,
Filled with decisions,
And blessings.
I can honestly say it was the hardest year of my life,
But without a doubt also the most wonderful.
I discovered who I am.
I made so many life-changing decisions.
I made mistakes.
And learned about consequences.
I made some amazing new friends,
And reunited with some old ones.
I accomplished goals,
And made some new ones.
I found happiness again,
After a long time without it.
I slowly starting becoming the Sam Murphy I want to be.
So 2013,
Thanks for being so good to me.
Samantha Dru