Standing underneath the stars, looking into each other's eyes.
And then he uses his hand to gently brush away a strand of hair.
And from there his hand falls to caress your face.
He continues on to say something so perfect and adorable you're sure he's rehearsed it hundreds of times.
And then...
He kisses you.
Doesn't that sounds perfect?
Too bad it wasn't mine.
Of course, like any girl, I had been looking forward to my first kiss since kindergarten.
I knew exactly how I wanted it to go.
It would be with the most wonderful boy in the world.
And it would be beyond romantic.
I could argue that I had the most awkward and unromantic first kiss in all of history.
Don't believe me?
Let me tell you about it then...
I was 14 with braces, acne, and no sense of style.
And we weren't under the stars gazing into each other's eyes.
We were in my next door neighbors basement.
With Nacho Libre playing in the background.
And he never brushed away a strand of hair, because, like always, my hair was in a bun.
Refer back to "no sense of style."
His hands never caressed my face.
No, his hands hung awkwardly at his side.
And looking back, I'm not sure our lips even fully met.
I could tell he was freaking out and having one of those "its now or never" moments.
And I guess he chose now.
But I think between the fact that he was so worried he'd lose his new found confidence to kiss me and being in a dark room, he didn't really make his target.
He kissed about half lips, half cheek.
And don't forget Nacho Libre playing in the background, because that's like icing on the cake.
But did I care?
No, not at all.
Because at 14 I thought I loved this boy and we someday end up married.
Wrong again.
And I thought that we could one day tell our three adorable children the story of our "perfect first kiss."
So, so wrong.
So I guess what I'm saying here is;
Wait it out kids.
Wait until your acne has cleared up,
And the braces have been taken off.
And definitely wait until the boy is smart enough to at least press mute on Nacho Libre.
Because you don't want a first kiss like mine.
Just trust me on this one.
Samantha Dru