Monday, February 17, 2014

He's Home.

25 months.
Its a long time to be away.
It's a long time to be missing your best friend.
And its hard.
But all that goes away in just one moment.
When you see him coming down the airport escalator,
With a smile from ear to ear.
You just somehow forget how much you missed him every single day.
You forget how hard it was to have him leave for so long.
Because in that moment, when you see him again,
You know.
You know that there is absolutely nothing else in the whole world he could've been doing the last two years to make him that happy. 

TJ, I am so proud of you.
I am so proud of you for serving a faithful mission to the Lord.
You're amazing.
And you've become even more of an amazing person then you were before-if thats even possible.
And I am so excited to have you home(:
I've missed you!
I've missed my best friend.
Welcome home!

Samantha Dru

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A wonderful life.

"The grass is always greener where you water it."

Life is a gift.
A precious, priceless gift.
But life isn't perfect.
Life, while wonderful, can be hard.
It can be heartbreaking.
And wonderful.
It could be devastating.
At times it may seem unbearable.
There are going to be ups and downs,
And things will happen completely out of your control.
Life is going to try and knock you down,
But you don't have to listen to life.
When life tells you you're worthless,
When life tells you that you can't make it through.
You remember this;
You can't stop the bad times from coming,
You can't help that people aren't perfect,
But you can choose.
Choose to find the good in everything.
Because even though everyday isn't a good one,
There is something good in every day.
A situation that appears hopeless can suddenly be full of hope.
Because you chose to ignore life.
You chose to be happy.
You choose to have a wonderful life.

Samantha Dru