Sunday, July 13, 2014

But if not.

But if not.

I have a plan.
I know what I want my life to be like.

I want a good life.
A simple life.
A happy life.
Filled with love, adventure, truth, and joy.

That's always been my plan.
But more often than not, my plans take a detour.

And it hurts.
It scares me.
And I simply don't understand why I can't seem to find the happiness I so desperately want.

So I still have my plan.
I still want that good and simple life.

But if not,
If I don't find exactly what I'm looking for,
If it's taking a little longer then I expected,
I still have to keep moving forward.

Because even though its not going according to my plan,
There's someone else who knows what I need a lot better than I know.
He has a plan for me.
A perfect plan.

Samantha Dru

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